PANEL #30023

Rt. 17 N 1.5mi S/O I-80

Located on Rt 17 in Hasbrouck Heights, this digital is right outside of Teterboro Airport and reads to traffic heading north towards Rt 3 and I-95. Route 17 is flooded with food chains, retailers and auto dealers including IHOP, Sonic, Taco Bell, Quest Fitness and AutoEastern Nissan.

WEEKLY IMPRESSIONS: 188,916 per spot*

MEDIA TYPE/STYLE: Permanent Bulletin - Digital

LAT/LONG: 40.853456 / -74.071986


GEOPATH ID: 30833180

PANEL SIZE: 10' 0" x 36' 0"

FACING/READ: South / Right

SLOTS/DWELL: 8 slots / 8 seconds

4 week rate from: $3,500