Contact a Social Media Specialist to Get Started Today!

Pay as you go. No long term contracts.

Daily Posting Plan

$500 per month
  • 1x Daily Posting to Facebook
  • 1x Daily Posting toTwitter

Double Daily Plan

$1000 per Month
  • 2x Daily Posting to Facebook
  • 2x Daily Posting to Twitter

Content King Plan

$1500 per Month
  • 2x Daily Posting to Facebook
  • 2x Daily Posting to Twitter
  • 1x Weekly Posting to Google Business
  • 1x Weekly Posting to LinkedIn
  • 1x Weekly Posting to Pinterest

Custom Social Media Marketing Packages Available!

Our very affordable social media marketing packages provide you with numerous ways with which to grow and expand your business. We provide results focused programs above that fit your requirements. We also provide custom social media marketing plans which are tailored specifically for your business - call us to talk to a specialist today to discuss your next project.

What's included in our Social Media Marketing Programs

We provide daily/weekly posts to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts

With our everyday Facebook and Twitter posting you will always get fresh, relevant content posted each day to your social networks accounts. 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Accomplish consistency as well as constant involvement with your community; conserve time and also obtain peace-of-mind for you.

Individualized content, including articles, custom images and custom videos

We will publish a selection of content particularly selected for your organization to create the best Facebook web pages and also Tweets, every one of which will demonstrate your expertise, be of interest to your target market, and also trigger interest within social media communities.

Ongoing promotion of your products and services

Our many years of experience in social media marketing has taught us exactly how to strike the right balance of self-promotion on social media. We strategically upload content on your social media sites to get users clicking with to your website for more information about your offers, products and services.

Original Content creation and custom designs by expert writers and creative designers

You can rest assured the content which we post on your social media accounts will be of excellent quality as well as compliment your service and business brand.

Social Media Profiles optimized to maximize your presence and online visibility

We'll analyze each of your social media profiles to ensure that they're complete  and also make it easy for consumers and potential customers to find you online.