PANEL #30006

RT 17S & I-80E @ EXIT 64

This digital bulletin is a tremendous dual read, reaching southbound traffic on Rt. 17 and eastbound traffic on I-80. When traveling on I-80, you are just minutes to the George Washington Bridge. Local traffic on South Summit Ave. also view this digital. Advertisers reach a total of (11) lanes of traffic and a whopping 800,000 weekly impressions per slot!

WEEKLY IMPRESSIONS: 927,664 per spot*

MEDIA TYPE/STYLE: Permanent Bulletin - Digital

LAT/LONG: 40.8764 / -74.06455


GEOPATH ID: 30663457

PANEL SIZE: 14' 0" x 48' 0"

FACING/READ: North West / Right

SLOTS/DWELL: 8 slots / 8 seconds

4 week rate from: $8,500